Building a viable scientific country and regional infrastructure to improve the situation in conducting social and scientific research in the field of global health problems both in Kazakhstan and in the countries of Central Asia. Infrastructure development and capacity building will include: research management, sociological research, data management and storage, technical equipment and data collection, data analysis, information sharing and application of research data in practice. The PF can use the services of the media and information systems to improve the efficiency of the PF;
- Assistance in increasing the number of researchers, teachers, scientists, applicants for scientific degrees engaged in research in the field of behavioral aspects and sociology, in order to form programs that contribute to the effective solution of global health problems in Central Asia; as well as in the field of socio-economic issues;
- Conducting international, regional and country scientific and practical conferences, symposiums, seminars, trainings, round tables, discussions, competitions, short courses on methods in the field of social sciences to inform and disseminate about ongoing research on the prevention, treatment and solution of health problems, and as well as other events;
- Strengthening the capacity and competitiveness of collaborating institutions in Kazakhstan and Central Asia in obtaining grants;
- Creation of local scientific and research infrastructure on global health problems, as in Kazakhstan;
- Combining the leading multifunctional experience of leading universities in the world and the region to create a comprehensive partnership between government agencies, non-governmental organizations, the research community and educational institutions, which will contribute to the development of cultural harmonization and science-based decision-making;
- Conducting sociological, research, environmental and medical research in various areas of the socio-economic, educational and medical life of the country and developing recommendations for the effective solution of existing problems;
- Participation in the implementation of state social order projects;
- Design, development and implementation of the latest research achievements;
- Combining the efforts, intellectual, creative and business potential of young scientists to solve socio-economic problems